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5 Things You May Not Know About Bras & Boobs



Have at least 3 everyday bras
“One to wear, One to wash and One to dry”. The elastic in your bra is what keeps you comfortable and keeps your girls looking perky. The elastic heats up as you wear your bra and the heat stretches out the elastic. It takes over 24 hours for the elastic in your bra to return to its shortest and most supportive form. Eventually the elastic will stretch to the point where it can not bounce back which is why bras don’t last forever.

Simple Lingerie Detergent
You probably know that hand washing your lingerie will make it last longer (because heat from your washer and dryer will eat the bras elastic). If you run out of lingerie detergent a great alternative is baby shampoo! Try Johnsons & Johnsons Baby Shampoo.

Raise your Endorphins with Something Special
When you like the way you look or feel it raises your endorphin levels. You should have at least one lingerie set that makes you feel totally amazing. Try wearing it just because (not just on special occasion) and see if you feel the extra excitement that comes from a layer of luxury!

Take Your Bra Off!
The ligaments in your boobs can get lazy if they are constantly supported by your bra and if you don’t support them they stretch out prematurely. NOT wearing a bra for at least 7 hours a day gives these ligaments a bit of a workout. For the best boob health, try not wearing a bra for a couple of hours before you go to bed.

Stretch it out and Build it up
One of the few things you can do to retain the shape of your bust is to keep the muscles in your chest supple and strong. This doesn’t mean you have to become a gym-junkie overnight. Stretching is one of the best and easiest ways to keep your upper body strong. Stretch your arms over your head, behind your back and in-front of you every day holding each pose for 60 seconds and this will help to you’re your chest muscles active.

Hope these few tips help you get the most out of your bras. If you have any great tip for making your bras live longer or keeping the girls happy then tell us about it in the comments!

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  • ReneeHendersonGray

    These are some great tips. I learned a lot myself. Thanks

  • Zella Mckheen

    Love the tips...I got the no bra a couple of hours before bed down pat! the sad thing is....... I only OWN 3 every day bras... i never dry them, tho. they do air dry. Every time I find a bra I actually like, they discontinue it... and that's why I'm down to 3 bras... I hate bra shopping... but unfortunately i'm gonna have to go shopping soon... lol

  • Penny Northmor

    Wonderful article learned new tips about why I take my bra off regularly-used to worry about the sag-affect! NO MORE NOW!! Awesome info in your articles! Thank you!!

  • Laurie Alain

    I would have never thought of baby shampoo for washing out lingerie thanks for the tip that's great will pass on to my daughters I'm sure they would love to know this.

  • Birdie Colleen Trafford

    Would love to raise my endorphins with a gorgeous lingerie set from Eye Kandee

  • May Lynn Mahler

    I love this advice- thank you! The 3 regular bra rule, the resting boobs and stretching are all so very important! I appreciate you sharing this info!!

  • Linda Bragg

    never thought of baby shampoo for washing out lingerie. I will be using this from now on. thanks for the tips.

  • Sally Annee

    Very interesting article! Everything I thought was true wasn't! Thanks for this info!!


    I knew wearing a bra all the time was not good but i did learn new tips Thank you

  • Jamie Johnson

    WOW! I had NO idea that not wearing a bra was good for my boobs! I thought the opposite was true! Ahhhhh, noooooo! I have really big boobs, so big, I have to wear 2 sports bras when I'm working out. I thought I had to wear a bra ALL the time to keep them from sagging. Glad I read THIS article! As we speak, I'm taking my bra OFF! I have a lot of time to make up for, so I'm starting now! Also, thank you for the exercise advice. I work out every day, and I stretch out, too, but now, I will add these stretches as well!

  • Cheryl H

    I ALWAYS line dry the bras. I never sleep in them either. I will pass this one to bustier women.

  • Cricket Phillips

    I didn't know a lot of the information u shared in this post!! I'm going to have to get some more bras for everyday wear and use what u posted about having 3. Thank u for the great tips!!!

  • Markita Hamilton

    Now that tip about using Johnson's Baby shampoo, that's awesome. I sure didn't know. Thank you for sure for that tip. Also thank you for the hand washing tip because I've always put mine in a tied pillow case. I will start handwashing.

  • Nancy Lee Musser

    Wow great advice, I always hand wash my bras and hang dry them. I never sleep in my bras at night.

  • Amanda Nichols

    I have been trying to tell my daughter about some of these tips. Now maybe if she sees this she will listen. Thank you.

  • Sherrie McQueen Gilstrap

    These are great tips that every lady should know. I was unaware of at least two of the tips myself.

  • Catherine R.

    Great tips. I had no idea that it was good to take your bra off for a few hours a day although it sounds great to me!

  • Mary boyles

    Very informative! Thanks for the info!

  • Janet M

    Thanks for the info about baby shampoo as a laundry detergent.

  • Terry Mac

    I always thought that you keep your boobs 'perky' if you wore a bra all the time. I did not know you had to give the ligaments time to 'work' themselves! Very informative article!

  • Adaria Johnson


  • Kay

    Great tips - I did not know about elasticity issues!

  • heather bell

    awesome tip i really didnt know about about these! thank you so much!Take Your Bra Off! is the one i like the best!

  • Wandalee Newell

    Wow....thank you so much for the great tips! I really had no clue about most of these!! I will be trying these for sure! Happy New Year <3


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